Monday, November 06, 2006

Long Time No Words Written...

Wow. What a long two months it has been. Okay, so maybe not quite two months...but I know I probably should have updated. I've been incredibly busy, but still, no excuse. Last time I updated, it was Rich's birthday...

My birthday came and past. I turned 20...yeah, who would have thought? Usually my birthday has some sort of ZING to it, but this year's didn't. I don't know, I've learned not to get all caught up into the regular traditions I used to be used to anymore...there's just no point. All in all, it wasn't that bad of a was just like any other. Plus, I got jipped out of the song at Texas Road House...I was pretty torn up about that. LOL.

I also started working at PETSMART a couple of days after my birthday. It's definitely been a great time. I mean, I've got awesome co-workers and I really enjoy the animals. Plus, I've been learning a lot about fish and tanks and all that fun stuff!

And, I also started working a full-time Nanny position in Greeley that started sometime near my birthday as well. I watch two girls during the day and the twin boys get home around 4:00ish. The girls are 3 and 18 months...the boys are seven. That's not all, I get to watch an additional two kids about twice a week. There's a girl who's 3 and a boy who's 2. Yeah, it keeps me on my toes, but I do really enjoy it. Working with kids is really curing my jonesing for kids, ya know?

I have two cats now. I know you all were aware of Maximus the Great but back in September, I found a little black kitten by the back dumpster. I brought her in and we named her Artemis (MISSY) and she has gotten SO big in the last couple months. She definitely gives Max a run for his money. We've got to get them both fixed soon, because Lord knows, we don't need any unexpected surprises from them....

We also had to find a new home for Lily...I know, sad day. But she's with a great family who absolutely ADORE her. Maybe someday Joe and I can get another dog (or two)...but I'm jonesing for a dog SO bad. There's just something about the cuddles, the kisses, and the look that only a dog can give...I don't know. I miss Lily, and I definitely miss Bo. *sigh* But you can't have it all, right?

I'm fighting off a cold. Working with the kids has proven some, getting sick. I hate the miserable feeling...but luckily, I'm almost done with this crap (*knocks on wood*). My paycheck from Petsmart is going to be small come Friday...I called in two days in a row and left work early yesterday. I know, not the best of things to do, but dangit...I needed the rest.

I GOT A CAR! Yep, that's right. My first car ever (I mean, that's in my name). Well, Joe's name is also on the title and registration...but I'm making all the payments and everything. Joe gets to drive, if there's ever any bad weather and his car won't be able to drive it. Oh, and if he ever decides to take me out on a date... Anyhow, the new baby in my life is a 96 Pontiac Grand Prix. It's in GREAT condition and I fell in love with it the moment I test drove it.

I'll have to post some pictures of the new kitten, updates on Max, my car-car, Joe and Myself, and the wonderful kids that I work for. But I'll do that some other day when I don't have to wake up at 4:00 AM the next day. True, it's only for this week since one of my bosses is in Good Ole' Las Vegas...but it does kinda kill me. Not gonna lie. I'll man up a little...what else can I do? But geez...

Anyhow, I'll do better on the updates. I promise.

I hope all is well with everyone and I'll look forward to talking to you all at one point or another.

Love and Peace,
Jenny Lynn

p.s. Christmas will be here before we know it! *dances jig* My favorite time of the seasons. I can't wait for Thanksgiving either. YAY!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Going Out To A Certain Someone...


Hope you have an awesome day, Rich!

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Monday, September 18, 2006

My Own Stupidity

I feel like I'm going to die.
It's my own fault though...
I'm stupid.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Friday, September 01, 2006

A New Video

Gladiator Kitty and Wonder Dog: This video is too cute! It\'s of Maximus and Lily Ann...

Do you ever wonder...

what the hell are people thinking?

I've been thinking that about myself for awhile now. I mean, seriously, what the hell am I thinking half the time? I'm really sick of screwing up and that's all that I seem to be doing. I can't even count on ONE hand let alone TWO the number of mistakes that I've made in the past year.

Going out on the road was an experience that I don't know if I really should've had. But then again, I wouldn't have had the chance for other things if I hadn't gone on the road. I should've just sucked it up and lived at home and gone to school. As was the plan, until I went and found the band. Now, I doubt if I'll even return to school again. Which would be another mistake, but you know....what else is new? My parents are all forms of crazy people and we're not ever going to have a relationship...but is it weird missing a family I never had to begin with? I just see the t.v. families and I wonder...why the hell aren't families like THAT? The normalcy, the's all fake. And it sucks to realize that NO family in the world is ever like that.

I've had to ask myself what regret is. Lately, I've been dwelling on things that I closed the book on a long time ago. Is that what regret is? Because in all honesty, I've never really sat and thought about the things I SHOULD'VE done instead of all the things that I ended up doing. I'm a very impulsive person at times...and I think I've been very impulsive with my life.

I was so excited to get a new job at the beginning of the week. It's what I like to do: child care. It's great, a challenge at times, but I don't think it's going to really pay the bills that need to be paid. I can't go to school because we don't have the money for it. Can't apply for loans or financial aid because my parents claim me in their taxes and crap. I'm not really qualified to do a lot of things...and I'm too much of a wimp to stick to something that makes $8.00/hr but I hate working at the place. I know it's a hard thing to grasp onto, but I want to make money doing something that I like...not something that I HAVE to do. And I know, that's what a JOB's not necessarily sunshine and's a friggin' paycheck. Right?

I know I need to grow up. I need to stop being a kid and start worrying about the things that are important... I'm just scared to lose the rest of my innocence (yeah, the innocence that I have left) to adulthood. I don't think this is making any sense at's just really hard for me at times because it feels like I'm alone and I have to deal with all of this on my own (even though I know a lot of you care). There's just a lot of things that I'm still worrying about on how I'm going to get through and pay bills. I'm scared of being on my own. I'm scared of just being another face in a sea of people. I'm scared of letting you all down. So much is psyching me out right now...and I told myself it wouldn't happen. At least, I know that I'm not backing out this time. It just isn't going to happen.

I had the worst dream ever last night. All thanks to the movies we were watching in the last few days...Kyle XY, Dragonheart, Legends of the Fall, Mighty Ducks, and Walking Tall. Yeah, imagine a dream with Kyle XY the major plot but with all the stories tied into one. It was crazy. I can't even begin to go into detail. I woke up in a sweat to find the light off (argh!) and the closet door open (double argh!). Anyhow, it just freaks me out about things even more.

Maybe I just need to take a second for myself and breathe. Catch up with myself a little bit. I feel like I'm spinning around so fast that I've made myself so completely lost. I don't even know where I am anymore. How is this possible? I've never been this off the map before. My life right now is totally summed up in the song "These Walls" by Trapt. Perfect song for the moment.
I wish I could tell you guys everything, I really do. But I don't even know where to begin...and I doubt any of this is going to come out right and I'll just sound crazy.

I'll be fine though. I think I just need to take a moment for myself. Just be completely phone, no friends, no music. Just me. I think it's exactly what I need. I just needed to ramble a little and get things off my chest. I'm sorry.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Saturday, August 26, 2006

one month...

until my big day.
Just thought I'd share that random fact with ya'll.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Aunt Jenny and Drax watching t.v. together...
Like we need directions on how to cross the street...GOSH!
Yes, Lily Ann actually sleeps like that.
Joe being a bum...
I absolutely LOVE this kid!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Day Without Sunshine Is...

...well, NIGHT.

Joe: You need a God in your life. Wait, you have me.

Me: Unfortunately then, that means you're Buddha!

Jenny - 1
Joe - 0

Just felt like sharing that zing time.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

p.s. Job situation...still up in the air.

Oh Boy...

...I'm in trouble! So...Saturday at work, a turtle was brought in my Shea (he's one of the Animal Control people). Shea told me that I could take it home and Erin was standing there and she totally agreed with Shea. She never said that I wasn't allowed to or, being new and all, had no idea that I probably couldn't. So...I got the okay from my man to bring home Mr. T. And he's been in the backyard for the past couple days. Well, yesterday at work...Yvonne (she's my manager) found out about the whole turtle thing and said that I had to bring in the turtle sometime during the next couple days. So, I planned on bringing him back today. Well, I saw Mr. T today in the yard a couple times...but I was planning on waiting until Joe got home from work to take him in. We went out to Alberto's after he got home and before we left, Mr T was in the yard still...we were at lunch and my phone was my work but I didn't answer because it's my day off and whatnot. Yvonne left a message saying that I needed to bring in the stupid turtle TODAY...well, the problem is....he disappeared AGAIN! I can't find him in the backyard! YIKES, right? So...Joe and I decided that if it comes down to it we'll just take him in tomorrow and act like I didn't have my phone on me at all today. Okay...I just got a call from Yvonne saying that my job is on the line...guys: I CAN GET FIRED OVER THIS!!!!!!! Can we say FREAK OUT?! I'm such a nervous wreck right now...what am I gonna do??????

I don't want to call her back because I can't tell her that we left the turtle outside...that's horrible...but WHAT am I going to do? I can't not have a job AGAIN! ARGH!

Sorry. Vented. But I still don't feel any better. I suck at life....

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Friday, August 04, 2006

Life should be considered an OXYMORON.

I'm trying to figure out:
- what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
- if I really want to go to college.
- how I'm going to get Bo out of the shelter.
- how I'm going to pay my cell phone bill.
- if I really want a blue blazer.
- how I'm going to go on Monday night with no white shoes.
- how I'm going to find the time to clean.
- why I stress out so much.
- why I'm such a horrible girlfriend.
- Lily.
- where I'm going to find a small dog that Joe doesn't think is ugly.
- why I'm such a complicated, high-matinence girl.
- life.

I don't know where to start. I'm frustrated with so much right now, and I have no idea why. I don't even know where to start with figuring out why. More or less, I just want to scream. You know, throw a temper-tantrum...

I can't even really talk about it because *I* don't even know what exactly is wrong. I just don't know where my life is going and I think that scares me a little. I just want to fast forward a couple of years.

****Symmie: I MISS YOU! You have no friggin' idea how much I want to hear your logic and all the fun stuff that you say. I should just move to Idaho....there's a thought. ****

I have to get ready for work. *groans* It's going to be busy today, I think. But, I get paid...and I might possibly be able to turn on my phone again! YAY!

Don't worry about me, I just had to bitch...sorry guys. I'm good. Seriously. Happy. :) see?

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

To My Love

Happy 21st Birthday, my have no idea how happy I am that you were born. I hope you have a great day of relaxation...and a great night out with your boys. I love you so much...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

Today, was a good day. Wow, that was incredibly general. I got to play and dance around in a down-pour of rain. It was GREAT! I was so soaked and the look on Joe's face when I finally came inside. It was priceless. My mother never let me play in the rain so now that I'm out of her house, whenever it can bet I'm outside dancing like an idiot. Oh gosh, it's should try it. So...that was the first good part of the night.

Secondly, I GOT A JOB! Yes, I do realize that I'm a little bit of a job slut...but this time, I really WANT this job. This is a job that I know I'm going to keep and I'm going to like. It's at the Humane Society and I get to be around animals...and you know how happy that makes me. So, I start tomorrow morning for training and everything. Ach! I'm excited. The pay isn't exactly that impressive...but my manager said that I get raises based on my work and whatnot. I start at $6.15 an hour. And I work from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and I don't remember the hours for the weekends. But, I have at least one day off a week with Joe. *insert happy dancing* His days off are on Wednesdays and yay!

I had a job interview at Subway this afternoon as well. I aced it, and the manager wanted me to work for her. But, tomorrow morning I'll have to call her and let her know that I won't be able to. I told her in the interview that I was waiting for a callback from another place, and she was pretty understanding about it. So...yeah. I could work two jobs...huh, maybe I'll think on that a little....

I need to go to bed. So...I'll talk to ya'll later. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes at the Humane Society. Yippy skippy! Night everyone...

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Saturday, July 22, 2006


blah. blah. blah. blah. blah.
That's how I feel...
I want to collapse and fall asleep for years.
You know...
like Rip Van Winkle...lucky bastard.
I'm discouraged...
I shouldn't be, but I am.
I hate complaining and I'm trying not to...
it could be a lot worse, right?
A LOT worse.
I can do this...
Please...convince me I can do this.
I'm strong.
I'm happy.
I'm free.
I must be
But why do I feel like
I'm nothing?
~ Jenny Lynn ~

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Is This Bad?'s now 11:04 PM and I have to work at 3:00 AM. Is it bad that I haven't really had a first day of work and I already hate it? Yeah, I thought so. You know what this means? I'm not going to have a life anymore. I have to go to bed at 8:00 PM to have a decent night's rest....or, I crash right when I come home at noon and wake up at 8:30 PM and just stay awake until I work in the morning. But neither option gives me a real life... *screams* Jenny isn't so happy. I don't know...tomorrow morning I'm going to go visit with my boss and see if I can get a night job. Because if that's possible, I can still work in the morning time until I have to go to work at 4:00. But I haven't told you about that, have I? So...there's a lady who lives just down the street that needs someone to watch her year old daughter. She would need someone from 6:30 AM to around 3:00 PM in the afternoon every day. It doesn't pay so much...but if I'm able to talk to my boss about scheduling me after 4:00, then it'll work out just fine. Or, I can find a restaurant that I can work nights at. I'd still have no life...but ANYTHING is better than waking up at 2:00 in the morning and walking several blocks to be at work by 3:00. I'm sorry I'm complaining...I'm just really emotional right now. If I could, I would want to ignore myself at the moment too.

Right now, there's really no point in me going to bed. I mean, that's only about two hours of sleep...and is it really worth having two hours and fighting the blahs first thing when I wake up...or fighting the blahs now when I'm already awake? I would give anything to just say "screw you King Soopers" and find another job. But it's money and I need to start doing my share...I don't so much like being a freeloader...

That's really the only thing that's frustrating me right this whole stupid job thing and kissing my social life goodbye. The job wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't friggin' 3:00 in the friggin' MORNING! I'm a wimp, okay? Deal with it.

On a better note....I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I have such an amazing boyfriend. Joe puts up with my mood and my blahs, and if I were him, I would want to strangle me or lock me in a closet for forever, but know what he does? He makes me lunch, checks up on me during the day, and goes to the store for me even though he probably didn't want to. That, and his killer tacos on Tuesday night were AMAZING by the way. My man sure knows how to cook....much thanks to his mother! But yes...Joe is more than I feel like I deserve right now. He's my penguin and I'm so glad that he puts up with me...annoying quirks, bad mood, and all. THANK YOU LOVE! I APPRECIATE YOU.

I need to find something to do for the next couple hours...maybe I will take a nap...or something. I'm just not very happy and I'd rather stay like this for a while and then come home and crash in the morning. Maybe I'll just quit the job...oh, I wish.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Random Picture

Yes, it's a REAL sign located somewhere in the North East...I can't really remember where. I just found it in my old pictures of the road and I still think it's funny. But I'm not sure that my mom sould stop at East me crazy.

Monday, July 17, 2006

A Dedication

Mr. Rich ROCK the computer world! Thanks to Rich, I now have access to putting videos onto my blog! *insert happy dancing here* I'm SO excited...I can't contain it. And I owe it all to are a GENIUS. Thank you so much for all your help...I appreciate it. Yay Rich!

~ Jenny Lynn ~


Bo and Max: Bo attempting to play with Max...not working.

Joe's Hand: Joe and I testing out my new video phone thingy...

Max at the vet: Max\'s first trip to the vet! He was having so much fun exploring the waiting room.

Redneck Swimming Pool: Drax in a bucket...

A Tad Annoyed

I was just watching t.v. and I saw a preview for a movie that comes out in August. It's called World Trade Center. I'm not gonna lie, I'm just a tad annoyed and a little sickened that the media would try to make money off of September 11th. It's kind of sad that they have to feed off of the nation's pain to make a little bit of pocket money. I don't know, I just find it VERY distasteful...but that's just me.

On a different note, I GOT A JOB! *insert much rejoicing here* I'm going to start at King Soopers as a Bakery Clerk. Technically, I start on Wednesday but I have to go in tomorrow for some training...I think she said 4 hours of it. Yippy friggin' skippy. It's a job...and I'm excited.

Oy. I think I'm going to take a nap. There's something about the heat that just makes me so incredibly tired. I don't really like it all that much. Heat = blah.

Alright...I'm out. Have a good day ya'll.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Subject Lines Suck When There's No Subject...

I don't really have a subject to this that bad? Be warned: it's full of senseless rambelings. It's been a little over a month since I've seen Bo...maybe it's been two months, I lost track of time...and he's grown SO much. It makes me a little sad to think about how much I missed out on. He's still the epitome of a dumb dog to the core. I just love his face and his personality, no matter how defiant he is. When Seth dropped him off yesterday morning and he got out of the truck, all I could think about was the day I brought him home from the pound. He was SO incredibly tiny and shaking. And now, four months later? He's nine months and bigger than ever. But he's still my always. He's been infatuated with Max since he arrived...and Max wants ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with him. It's kind of comical, yet a little scary. Bo doesn't know when he's too rough so I'm a little fearful of something happening to Max if Bo attempts to play with him. Bo = 45 lbs. Max = 1.5 lbs. which, call me crazy, is not very fair to combine the two. Lily and Bo have been playing like crazy as well...they missed each other! I'm not gonna lie, I missed my baby boy...and I'm gonna cry when I have to give him back again. *insert puppy dog look at Joe*

So what else is new? Joe and I attempted to grocery shop at Walmart today...but oddly enough, it was closed? Um, I think they said that they had no power....odd. We went to Safeway instead and I know ya'll will probably think I'm nuts but I LOVE shopping with Joe. Okay, going anywhere with Joe is so much fun, in general. I don't's not anything that he does... it's just....nice. I like it. Oh, and I got to talk to his mom for a couple minutes...that was pretty cool. *waves to Joe's mom* Joe wants to make tacos...and I think he's making them on Tuesday night. I'm glad he can cook because I still need to perfect my skills in that department. Ask him about the hambuger helper someday and see what he says...

I might be spending the night over at Brittany's house tonight...I don't know yet. I really want to sleep...but I know we're gonna be your typical girls and talk for the majority of the's a toss up. Goo. I'll make my mind up about it soon...

I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW IN THE MORNING!!!!!!! Yes, it's true. It's at 11:00 AM at King Soopers. They *finally* called me back. If that doesn't work out, hopefully the 7-11 thing will. I just want a job...

Random Question: If you were a pirate wouldn't it make you a little upset to have a trunk full of treasure but it had no handles; therefore, you had no way to transport the treasure because you left your bag at home? Yes, I realize that it was random...just something I was thinking about.

Anyways, that's all I've got. I'll talk to ya'll later. I'm gonna go attempt to cool off. Oh, and since Rich keeps forgetting to tell me how to place videos on's my link to a couple videos. There will be several pictures that you've probably already seen on here...but watch the videos...I recommend the ones of Drax in his redneck swimming pool. But here it is: ... Enjoy and you're more than welcome to leave a comment with those too! Alright, I'm gonna go. Have a good night and whatnot. Happy Sunday!

~ Jenny Lynn ~

My Joe

This is a picture Joe sent me this morning via text message. I believe his caption read, "Fat free, my ass." I thought it was cute and worthy of my page.
Ain't my man a hottie?!?!?! *sigh* As one girl (who Joe used to know) said to me the other day: "that is one sexy piece of man flesh." That girl is no longer living. Okay, so I'm kidding. But she was right about how good he looks.
He's got a smile to die for, what can I say?

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Ha! Look what I found...this is from when we were painting the Youth Group room back in December. I think I got more paint on myself than I did painting the wall. And no...I really wasn't eating the paint.
Bo is infatuated with Max. It was their very first meeting yesterday. Bo likes Max...a little too much. He's very overzealous and doesn't know when to stop playing...Max is already sick of him. This is one of the calmer moments.
Look how big my baby has gotten! I wonder if this is how parents feel when they look at their children all grown up. All I see when I look at this 45 lb. dog is the little puppy that I brought home from the shelter. And when I say little...I mean, little.
"Is he gone yet?" Max hiding under the couch, trying his best to get away from Bo.'s me. I don't remember what we were doing...but we were having fun...see? You can totally tell from my expression.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Not Ready To Make Nice

This is a really odd mood to be in. I'm really wanting to go skate. I mean, I have to let this frustration out somehow, right? I don't even really want to talk about what's bugging me but I know, eventually I'm gonna have to. GOO!

Don't get me wrong, I know that I'm not the most attractive person ever. I KNOW that....but honestly, when I looked at her and realized that they were kept for a am I supposed to compete with THAT? Honestly. How? Am I not supposed to feel a little threatened by an old memory? True, it's a memory and I shouldn't be scared of it...but I am. I don't even know what I should feel right now. Maybe I shouldn't have looked. Okay, so I know that I probably shouldn't have looked and I feel bad about it. A LOT bad. But honestly...what now? Should I just act like I don't know?

~ Jenny ~

p.s. On a much happier and non-related subject: I get Bo for the weekend! *insert much joyous dancing here* I'm not gonna lie, I'm very excited.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Ugh...the pile rises. And rises....

I've gotta do something useful...

~ jenny ~

Saturday, July 01, 2006

More of Max

Enjoying a quiet moment with Max.
Isn't he ADORABLE????

I love my new kitty. He's incredibly sweet and he adores Lily...which is a major plus. Aaaahhhhh.....I owe Joe. I owe him A LOT.

~ jenny ~


Max chilling at my feet.
Take me home! We were still in the pet store...but I had to send Joe pictures to approve the "cuteness" of the kitten. Apparently, Max was cute enough....because I got to take him home! The plus side? He was on sale for $10....heck yes.
Lily and Max get a long SO well! They play and they've been sleeping cute is that? I just worry that Lily will bite too hard once and that'll finish off Max. That can happen, right?
Max wondering what a camera is...Ryan looking at the t.v.
Max deciding he's hungry and needs to eat out of a big bowl. He's too cute for words...
So...I realize that there are a lot of picutes of Max....and I've taken even more. I can't help it...he's so cute...and I'm a proud cat mom, alright? Anyhow, I better go. Katie and I are hanging out today and I gotta go see if she's up yet. I'm hungry. Food would be great right about now. Talk to ya'll later. Have a great weekend!
~ jenny ~

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Trembling emotions,
simplest pleasures,
sealed with
the epiphany
of a kiss.
by rapture.
Held by
passions unknown
to my
infant heart.
Struck by
I am
by uninvited
What an
evil threat
love is!
To strike
upon my
with such
blind sensations.
No warnings
to heed,
I am
A lunatic
the spell of a man.
Lost in
your eyes,
by the
echo of
your voice.
of spending
in rapturous
There are those
who are searching,
in vain
to have
just a
of love...
The magical
that captured
my vacant
When love
found me,
kicking and
Pleading for
the old familiar
numbness to
rush back into
the core of my
I was afraid.
I was lost...
but didn'tgive up.
The light
embraced me,
welcoming me,
into the warmth
of new emotions
Now I am
grateful to have
love in my life.
And you,
you have my heart.
I am
grateful to
have you
in my life.
~ jenny ~

Holy Bejeebers!

23 places in ONE friggin day! Where I've applied so far:
Molly Maid
Hollywood Video
King Soopers
Noodles and Comp.
McDonald's (urgh)
The Buckle
Radio Shack
JC Penney
Outback Steakhouse
The places I need to go to:
Cinemark 16 at the Greeley Mall
Johnny Carinos
Olive Garden
Buffalo Wild Wings
I'm trying my best not to get's only been about two days. But honestly, I hate this process. I hate doing stupid redundant applications online. They're pointless and yes, I do believe that Jenny is being negative right now. But oh well. All I can say is that all this crap better pay off really soon because I want that damn kitten.
~ jenny ~

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Cutest Thing

The CUTEST kitten I've ever seen.

This is killing me....GOO! I have words in my head....they are there....and I can't get them out in a way that they'll make sense. DOWN WITH WRITER'S BLOCK! I will go to bed right now and in the morning, there will be a poem written if it's the last thing I do. I'm serious....these words can't live inside my head for forever.
~ jenny ~

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Jenny's Sunday Project

Our bed is finally made! YAY!
Believe me, THIS is an improvement from what it was before. Yes, Rich...the cute little teddy bear is indeed Joe's. But this is the area where it was the worst.
The living room! Yep...I rocked that part of the house too. I know, I know...I'm amazing. It didn't take too long to clean the floor and it wasn't that impressive but it's a lot more livable now. really is....the FLOOR! Wow, THAT'S what it looks like! *astonished face* Our clothes covered pretty much the entire space in front of the closet...I had unpacked my bag as quickly as possible and through everything around (I had every intention of cleaning our room the next just didn't happen right away)....Joe really has no excuse.
Believe me, ONE pop can is nothing compared to the collection that was accumulated while I was in Texas.
Yes, so...that's what I did for the majority of the day. I have been telling myself and promising Joe for the last couple days that I would start cleaning and get everything organized...but I honestly lacked the motivation that it would take. But I finally sucked it up and did it this afternoon.
So...I have finally gotten to talk to people that I haven't talked to in ages! It's awkward...but good. I've missed the guys...I honestly have.
I need to go. Have a good night!
~ jenny lynn ~


This is my nephew, Austin. See! I told ya'll I'd put a picture of him up here eventually. So there.

I have something on my mind...I just honestly don't know what it is. I thought I did...but I don't. This is such an odd mood to be in. Goo.

~ jenny ~

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Greatest Thing Ever

Joe said it the other night. The fact that I left and came back...and everything went back to the way that it was before. Nothing has's perfect and I love him more than I ever have. I never knew what it was like to look at someone and know that you loved them more than you did yesterday. It's crazy how it happened. We've had some times that I honestly would never trade for the world. I look at him and my heart truly smiles. He gets me and that is more than I can ever ask for. How is it that I can be so damn lucky?

Tomorrow I absolutely have to get the motivation to do all the things that I need to. I SWEAR that I'm going to. Things are going to get done around here:
1. Clean bathroom
2. Clean our room
3. Clean downstairs
4. VACCUUM (ha! I don't know how to spell it)
5. Take my girl for a walk
6. Call mom at some point
7. Get a newspaper and start applying all over again
8. I've got nothing...

Okay. That's my to-do list. It's gonna get done it is. Meh. I probably should go take a shower and settle down for the evening. *smiles* Good night and whatnot. Talk to ya'll later.

~ jenny ~

A Picture of My Mother...

This is my mom. I forgot to post it with the other new pictures.

I have been slacking BIG time...

...and for that, I apologize. I suck at life...I know. How long was I in Texas for? Um...not quite a month. I left on the 30th of May and I got back on Tuesday (June 20th). I wouldn't be up so early this morning if Symmie hadn't called me...but oh well. I got plenty of sleep last night. It was glorious. To start off, I will fill you in on the last couple of days...and then, I will go back and recap a couple of things that happened in Texas.

I left Texas on Monday night at 6:30 pm with Symmie, Symmie's mom (aka D), Drax, two dogs, and a friggin' snake. I forgot my fish that my mom bought me (which makes me a little sad) but now that I think about it...where the hell would I have put that thing? Phoenix (the car) was very much cramped. Symmie is moving back up to Idaho so we had the majority of their stuff crammed in everywhere it could fit. Awkward, yet fun at the same time. We were in San Antonio when we got a flat tire...yikes. All I have to say is thank God for the ghetto car jack *laughs*, Andrew and the two old guys that stopped to help. Joe had no idea that I was coming home (well, at least I didn't tell him). He thought I would be coming home within the next couple I was bursting with this secret. I wanted to tell him SO's incredible. Anywho, we were on the road mishaps a long the way. We reached HOME at 6:20 pm and I ran inside to surprise my Joe. The look on his face when I walked through the door was priceless. He was speechless for a few seconds and then, there was much rejoicing. Oy. Andrew was the only one who knew I was coming home and it was so hard to scheme behind Joe's back because that boy sure knows how to ruin Christmas. Or maybe, Andrew and I have to learn how to be better schemers. I said goodbye to Symmie, D, and Drax and they were off. And I kept repeating that "I'm home!" You have no idea how happy and excited I was to be back. My heart is still smiling. So...I've pretty much fallen back into the old routine. I have some cleaning to do this morning and then, job searching...but it feels so good to be back. I'M HOME!

Now...the hard part. Describing the things in Texas. To put it bluntly, there is an overwhelming number of stupid people in Canyon Lake. It's amazing that they still have an ability to function as a community. I encountered hateful, spiteful, rude, and unwelcoming people more than once and more often than I ever have in my life. It was pretty sad. My brother, Andrew was a complete jackass to me the entire time I was down there. He became the "baby" when I went to live in Colorado so I guess he felt threatened by my return. So, he treated me very unkindly and hardly even directed conversation at me. Instead, he would direct comments/questions about me to other people when I was standing was kinda like I was invisible. His group of friends were pretty retarded...apparently, they are part of the "IT" crowd and I was invited to be part of it too. But I guess the price that you have to pay when you're a girl in this group is to be passed around so every guy can have a go with you. Great, huh? I guess they have nothing better to do than to pass around STDs. *shakes head* I've never been so insulted in my life. It was almost comical how the guys knew that I was already taken, yet they tried to convince me that "he'll never know" and that I could still sleep with them and they'd keep my secret. I guess they didn't realize that if I chose to sleep with them, even if Joe would never know, *I* would. And I couldn't live with that. I felt incredibly awkward around everyone in that group... I mean, they would drink and smoke pot and me? Ha. The "good" girl never drinks... so I would be sitting in the corner with a nonalcholic beverage and praying that I wouldn't be noticed. Talk about GOOD, not really. Eventually, I stopped hanging out with them and avoided them at all was altogether pointless being around people who I hated anyways.

I found that even though they said that they were excited to have me down there, they weren't so much. Which kind of sucked. My mom and I spent some time together and I found that she's a great person. She is pretty much the glue that holds everyone and the world together. She left last Wednesday to visit my sister in Washington, and things went to crap almost instantly. But she's a good pretender...there are several lessons that I learned from her down there that I will never be able to forget or really talk about. My "stepdad" is a complete redneck and I don't care too much for him. He goes back on his word a lot...and I mean A LOT. I was able to witness how much he treats my mother like dirt, how much he doesn't really like any of my brothers, and how quickly he will turn on someone. I'm used to it didn't really bug me nearly as much as it probably would have a long time ago. I didn't get to see much of Josh because he was only there for a couple of days before having to report back to his post. But he's decent (and that's saying a lot), even though he can be an ass at times and he treats Symmie and Drax like they don't matter. Lori is a whole rant and I don't want to get into it. Jared and Symmie are the two most real people in my family. They are straightforward and honest and exactly what I needed. If it weren't for them, or at least Symmie, I don't know what I would've done...

I went to Texas in search of some answers to my past. I found some of them...the others are probably never going to get answered...and you know what? That's okay. My trip didn't necessarily go the way that I had "planned" but I'm okay with that. I am back to where I belong. I belong with Joe. This is where I'm the happiest and my heart smiles the most. I'm a little disapointed with how things turned out...but that's the way things are and there is no changing them. At least I can't wonder "what if" anymore. And I can honestly thank God that I wasn't raised there...I just might have ended up like several people I met...and I'm perfectly happy with the person I am today. So yeah.

Alright. I think that's it. It's so good to be home. To be absolutely certain that the people I am surrounded by love me, amusing and annoying quirks and all. It's an incredible feeling. Believe me.

I'm out. Talk to ya'll later. Bye.

~ jenny ~


This is Lily. Technically, she belongs to Joe...but she loves me more. Ha. I figured if I had a picture of Bo on this be fair, I better put Lily on here too. Only, I couldn't find a different one...and she wouldn't stand still for me to take another. So, this is Lily undercover.
This is how the "rednecks" do it in Texas! We were having a water fight in the backyard with our other nephew, Austin (his picture will be here in a couple days) and Drax wanted in on the action. He LOVES water. He saw the bucket full of water and climbed in. It was his way of telling his mommy and daddy that he wanted a REAL swimming pool...which he got several days later.
Hear no evil...Drax was chilling in the backseat of the car on the way to New Braunfels and when I looked back, this was what he was doing. Crazy kid. Cute, though. Very cute.
My baby boy, Bo. I know he's randomly in the middle of the pictures of Drax...that's just the way it happened. I can't wait to get this puppy back home! I miss him and yes, he is way cooler than he looks.
And Drax...sleeping after a long adventure of shopping. This kid was the source of my entertainment in Texas...I followed him constantly with a camera or my cell phone video...what can I say? I'm a proud aunt. He's honestly one of my favorite kids in the world...and his parents aren't so shabby themselves.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mi Familia family. Where to start? They are some crazy people... but it's a good crazy, I guess. Nothing like I'm used to. Symmie is amazing and I love being around her. We're going to watch Brokeback Mountain in a couple minutes...hahaha yeah. My mom is absolutely incredible... I went to visit her at work today and she was introducing me to everyone that was possible. My brother, Josh and his wife, Lori are pretty cool...Josh leaves in a couple of days. My neices, Kerrighan and Morraghan are cute. Morraghan is a lot like me in so many ways... it's terrifying. Yikes, a little Jenny running around... Andrew is going to take a little work to get to know... And Drax, oh my gosh! I love this kid! I already want to keep him... but Symmie won't let me (neither will Joe). I have a couple of videos that I took of him on my cell phone that I'm going to try to post on here later tonight. He's a cutie and I absolutely adore him.

I get to see Austin soon ! YAY!

The cat, Normal hates me. I've been stealing some of her kittens to hold every now and then...and she doesn't appreciate it. I plan on not touching them anymore...until they're a little bit older. Joe says that I can keep one and bring it home... I'm just going to have a hard time deciding which one.

Alright, the movie (and Symmie) calls. I'll update the videos later. Bye ya'll.

~ jenny ~

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Leaving On A Greyhound Bus....

Well... today is the day. My bus leaves at 5:00 pm for Texas. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared out of my mind. Who wouldn't be? So many "what if's" are running through my head:
What if they don't like me?
What if they don't want me to stay?
What if they think they wasted money on the bus ticket?
What if...
I'm going to stop. I'm not going to think negatively anymore. It's no use. They love me and they want me there.

So, I said goodbye to my Joe this morning. *applauds* WE DIDN'T CRY!!! This visit is only for a month and I'm coming back. It's not like it's permanent. He isn't THAT lucky to get rid of me. He's pretty much stuck with me for a long while.

*sigh* I need to pack. Goo! I don't want to. I HATE PACKING. It sucks. But hey, tomorrow afternoon....guess where I'll be? TEXAS. And I can't pretend that I'm not happy about that...I'm very much excited. *happy dancing occurs now*

I better go. I'll update while I'm in Texas. I'll let you all know what's going on.
Take care and whatnot.

- jenny -

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm Grumpy...

I'm Grumpy...

Ever have one of those mornings where you just wake up in a bad mood. It doesn't happen to me that often...but I'm kinda fighting off the bad mood goobers. *SCREAMS*

~ jenny ~

I'm Grumpy...

Ever have one of those mornings where you just wake up in a bad mood. It doesn't happen to me that often...but I'm kinda fighting off the bad mood goobers. *SCREAMS*

~ jenny ~

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Total Difference

Today was very much uneventful...slow day...very slow. Pretty pointless, actually.

I'm more at peace with going to Texas. Joe and I've talked...I feel so much better about everything now. So...yeah. I'm just nervous about going...but I know that it's going to be a good thing. Yeah. So...I'm gonna go now. I'll talk to ya'll later. Have a great night.

~ jenny ~

Friday, May 12, 2006


Ask me to stay
tell me that I'm what you need
hold me back, I'm begging you.
You tell me
what you think I need to hear
never dreaming that all your words
are cutting me deeper.
Don't open the door
to push me through
I have no where, no one else to run to
hold me back, I'm begging you.
All that I want
is to know of your love
to know I'm the only one you think about
your words weigh more than you realize.
I'm close to walking
just to see if you'll follow
just so I know you'll hold me back
and that I don't have to beg you.
~ jenny ~

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


So...I'm sitting at Joe's. I just got off the phone with my awesome sister-in-law, Symmie. I can't wait to go to Texas and meet everyone. I get this big goofy grin on my face everytime I think about it. *smiles all big* I feel like I missed out on a lot of things...but that doesn't mean that I can't catch up, right? I just want to connect with them.

My paycheck still hasn't come yet and I'm hungry. I need food. I need to pay a stupid vet bill for Bo. Since Phillip screwed me over with that. Yeah, he bought weed with my $110. That's a whole hell of a lot of least, I think it is...I really don't know for sure. Oh god, I could've kicked the crap out of him when I found that out. But hey, if he needed pot that bad...I just won't talk to him anymore. Simple as that. It just sucks because now I have to come up with an additional $110. Where am I going to get that if my stupid paycheck doesn't come? Meh. I'll deal...I've scraped before...I'll do it again.

I don't really have all that much to say. I'm getting upset with the stupid internet. It sucks and it's slow. Hey, it's raining. Sweet! I should go find some food. I guess I'll update later. Talks later. Bye all.

~ jenny ~

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Update of Jenny

I pretty much thought I would give up on this journal because...1) who really reads this thing? 2) if I really want the world to know what's going on in my life...I'll advertise it in some other way and 3) if I want my closest people to know what's going on in my life...then I'll tell them some other way other than via internet. But...I have a lot of I figured I'd type them all out as if the keyboard is my life and I'm able to beat the hell out of it. Nice, eh? Ha. Anyhow, I moved out of Andrew and Amy's back in March. It was the day after we got home from Arizona. I talked to my bio dad and stepmother and they wanted me to move in with them. So, I packed all my things (once again) and I left. Sadly, I haven't talked to Andrew and Amy since...things got a little hectic. What else? I guess I could go off on how much I really do hate my living situation right now.

My dad sucks. I find it hilarious how I haven't lived with him since being eight, and he automatically picks up where he left off. Um, yeah...I think we all know that I'm not a little girl anymore. It's ridiculous. About a week of living there, I got a job at Fat Albert's. Yippy friggin' skippy. I was a hostess and I guess it wasn't THAT bad...people sucked. And after seeing the kitchen, I will never, ever, under any circumstances, EVER eat at that restaurant again. Yeah, ugly place.

I also have a puppy now. AMAZING dog, let me tell you. I think he's a golden retriever, rottie, and chow mix. He's going on six months this month...and growing like a weed. His potty training is coming along...slowly, but surely. At least he's better than Dash was. *laughs at the memory* But he's cute and very energectic and keeps me busy. I also have another addition, her name is Lily and she's the same age as Bo. She's half pit and half heeler. Cute as a bug's ear, let me tell you what. But she comes in a little later in the story.

So...I found a place where I could live for $300 a month. I was going to live with an older lady who needed a roomate. However, circumstances did not allow it (my mother and bio father). Big surprise, eh? Anyways, I'm over being angry about that. So, I was stuck living with my dad still. It's not that I don't love my dad, don't get me wrong. But it's just the fact that I'm 19, and I'm mentally and emotionally more mature than he is. Which is very sad. He puts people on guilt trips and then, he projects his bad moods on other people. It's ridiculous. Yep. RIDICULOUS. And my stepmom just wants company, but I can't be around her all that much because I want to be around people who are more my age and more able to do active things. I do not like to go out to eat all the time. I do not like to clean a house that isn't my house to clean. You're talking to the girl who absolutely LOVES to clean...but honestly, that's pretty much all I'm used for there. That's all I've done when I'm home. I'm sick of doing that. And they don't have any dishware whatsoever. So, I pretty much have nothing to eat at that house. There's no I eat probably about once a day if I'm lucky. But that's okay...I've had it a lot worse before...I'm tough and I'm handling things pretty well. Things could be worse...I could be somewhere else. But with them sucks...and now I'm hardly home. It's also difficult because of Bo. The only reason I come home is because of Bo...but even then, Bo and I will leave ASAP. It's really sad when you can't stand being around the people who "care" about you. That's another thing, I hate having to call in and tell them that I'm not coming home or tell them who I'm with or tell them what I'm doing. There's really no point in doing that...really. Think about it: WHY do they want to know? It's not like I'm ever really included in their plans. They go out to eat all the damn time and leave me to fend for why should I tell them that I'm still alive?

Anyhow, I'm working at Lock/line now. It's been pretty good. I just got done with my two weeks of training and I'm be starting full time junk tomorrow. My first day off is on Wednesday. I'm also dating a coworker. Yikes, who could have seen that one coming? It was totally unexpected. I met Joe two weeks ago and we hit it off pretty well. If you heard him tell the story, I was giving him "the eye", which I wasn't. Honestly. *smiles* But we started talking, found out that we both had puppies around the same age, I got his number, and made plans for the weekend for a playdate for the kids. Yeah, I ended up calling him that night because I was lonely and I needed someone to hang out with. So, we met up at Glenmere and the puppies absolutely LOVED each other. Then, Thursday night, Joe and I watched a movie and talked and such. And Friday, we started "dating". So, it was totally unexpected, but it's good. He really is a good guy and I trust him. A lot. He makes me happy. So, we've been hanging out and our dogs continue to play...we've pretty much combined our ownership of those stinkin' dogs. They are a pain when they're together, seriously. It's cute to watch them play for about the first five minutes and then, it gets old, very fast.

Funny true story: Lily peed on Joe. Yeah, it was pretty comical, not gonna lie. Ask about it sometime.

Um...let's see. What else? Troy and Mike met Joe yesterday. That was fun. Not much to say there...they pretty much already know what happened and there's no point in retelling the story when they already know it.

Joe is pretty much my hero. He keeps me busy so I don't have to go home. And if I'm not with Joe, I escape to the skatepark...or go for very long walks...or hide in my closet and read. Yeah, I know "yippy friggin' skippy"...but when you have parents like'd hide in the closet too.

So, the other night...Joe took me to Hunan's for dinner. *sigh* Chinese food, yum. Anyways, the waitress was totally eyeing my man! Oh geez, that did not set well with me, that did not set well at all. Joe thought it was hilarious how I sat there glaring at the chick and was very testy with her. But seriously, who honestly has the nerve to hit on someone else's date? WHO DOES THAT?! Goo. I am not a jealous person...I'm not. I just don't like to share my boy with anyone...but I know that I don't have I'm good.

And I talked to my bio mom the other night. Wow. Shocker of the week. It adds a lot of confusion and more hurt to my life...but I think it might work out. I know that she still thought of me...and I can't even begin to describe how much better I feel knowing that. There's still a lot of questions I have, but we'll get to those at some point.

Um...I can't think of anything else. I think the only thing that makes me miserable is home and the thought of it. But other than that, I'm fine. I'm happy. Things are looking up. I have a job, I'll have money, I have the two most beautiful dogs with the most amazing guy, I have awesome friends (even though I don't really see them ever, I still think about them all the time) I'm lucky. With the beginning of the year having such a crappy start...everything has begun to work out. I'll have a cheap car soon *crosses fingers* and I'll be able to go places. Yippy Skippy.

Anyways, I better run. I will update this a lot more. I promise. Alright, take care and have a great Sunday. I'm out.

~ jenny ~