Saturday, July 15, 2006


Ha! Look what I found...this is from when we were painting the Youth Group room back in December. I think I got more paint on myself than I did painting the wall. And no...I really wasn't eating the paint.
Bo is infatuated with Max. It was their very first meeting yesterday. Bo likes Max...a little too much. He's very overzealous and doesn't know when to stop playing...Max is already sick of him. This is one of the calmer moments.
Look how big my baby has gotten! I wonder if this is how parents feel when they look at their children all grown up. All I see when I look at this 45 lb. dog is the little puppy that I brought home from the shelter. And when I say little...I mean, little.
"Is he gone yet?" Max hiding under the couch, trying his best to get away from Bo.'s me. I don't remember what we were doing...but we were having fun...see? You can totally tell from my expression.

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