Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mi Familia family. Where to start? They are some crazy people... but it's a good crazy, I guess. Nothing like I'm used to. Symmie is amazing and I love being around her. We're going to watch Brokeback Mountain in a couple minutes...hahaha yeah. My mom is absolutely incredible... I went to visit her at work today and she was introducing me to everyone that was possible. My brother, Josh and his wife, Lori are pretty cool...Josh leaves in a couple of days. My neices, Kerrighan and Morraghan are cute. Morraghan is a lot like me in so many ways... it's terrifying. Yikes, a little Jenny running around... Andrew is going to take a little work to get to know... And Drax, oh my gosh! I love this kid! I already want to keep him... but Symmie won't let me (neither will Joe). I have a couple of videos that I took of him on my cell phone that I'm going to try to post on here later tonight. He's a cutie and I absolutely adore him.

I get to see Austin soon ! YAY!

The cat, Normal hates me. I've been stealing some of her kittens to hold every now and then...and she doesn't appreciate it. I plan on not touching them anymore...until they're a little bit older. Joe says that I can keep one and bring it home... I'm just going to have a hard time deciding which one.

Alright, the movie (and Symmie) calls. I'll update the videos later. Bye ya'll.

~ jenny ~