Sunday, July 16, 2006

Subject Lines Suck When There's No Subject...

I don't really have a subject to this that bad? Be warned: it's full of senseless rambelings. It's been a little over a month since I've seen Bo...maybe it's been two months, I lost track of time...and he's grown SO much. It makes me a little sad to think about how much I missed out on. He's still the epitome of a dumb dog to the core. I just love his face and his personality, no matter how defiant he is. When Seth dropped him off yesterday morning and he got out of the truck, all I could think about was the day I brought him home from the pound. He was SO incredibly tiny and shaking. And now, four months later? He's nine months and bigger than ever. But he's still my always. He's been infatuated with Max since he arrived...and Max wants ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with him. It's kind of comical, yet a little scary. Bo doesn't know when he's too rough so I'm a little fearful of something happening to Max if Bo attempts to play with him. Bo = 45 lbs. Max = 1.5 lbs. which, call me crazy, is not very fair to combine the two. Lily and Bo have been playing like crazy as well...they missed each other! I'm not gonna lie, I missed my baby boy...and I'm gonna cry when I have to give him back again. *insert puppy dog look at Joe*

So what else is new? Joe and I attempted to grocery shop at Walmart today...but oddly enough, it was closed? Um, I think they said that they had no power....odd. We went to Safeway instead and I know ya'll will probably think I'm nuts but I LOVE shopping with Joe. Okay, going anywhere with Joe is so much fun, in general. I don't's not anything that he does... it's just....nice. I like it. Oh, and I got to talk to his mom for a couple minutes...that was pretty cool. *waves to Joe's mom* Joe wants to make tacos...and I think he's making them on Tuesday night. I'm glad he can cook because I still need to perfect my skills in that department. Ask him about the hambuger helper someday and see what he says...

I might be spending the night over at Brittany's house tonight...I don't know yet. I really want to sleep...but I know we're gonna be your typical girls and talk for the majority of the's a toss up. Goo. I'll make my mind up about it soon...

I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW IN THE MORNING!!!!!!! Yes, it's true. It's at 11:00 AM at King Soopers. They *finally* called me back. If that doesn't work out, hopefully the 7-11 thing will. I just want a job...

Random Question: If you were a pirate wouldn't it make you a little upset to have a trunk full of treasure but it had no handles; therefore, you had no way to transport the treasure because you left your bag at home? Yes, I realize that it was random...just something I was thinking about.

Anyways, that's all I've got. I'll talk to ya'll later. I'm gonna go attempt to cool off. Oh, and since Rich keeps forgetting to tell me how to place videos on's my link to a couple videos. There will be several pictures that you've probably already seen on here...but watch the videos...I recommend the ones of Drax in his redneck swimming pool. But here it is: ... Enjoy and you're more than welcome to leave a comment with those too! Alright, I'm gonna go. Have a good night and whatnot. Happy Sunday!

~ Jenny Lynn ~

My Joe

This is a picture Joe sent me this morning via text message. I believe his caption read, "Fat free, my ass." I thought it was cute and worthy of my page.
Ain't my man a hottie?!?!?! *sigh* As one girl (who Joe used to know) said to me the other day: "that is one sexy piece of man flesh." That girl is no longer living. Okay, so I'm kidding. But she was right about how good he looks.
He's got a smile to die for, what can I say?