Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Greatest Thing Ever

Joe said it the other night. The fact that I left and came back...and everything went back to the way that it was before. Nothing has's perfect and I love him more than I ever have. I never knew what it was like to look at someone and know that you loved them more than you did yesterday. It's crazy how it happened. We've had some times that I honestly would never trade for the world. I look at him and my heart truly smiles. He gets me and that is more than I can ever ask for. How is it that I can be so damn lucky?

Tomorrow I absolutely have to get the motivation to do all the things that I need to. I SWEAR that I'm going to. Things are going to get done around here:
1. Clean bathroom
2. Clean our room
3. Clean downstairs
4. VACCUUM (ha! I don't know how to spell it)
5. Take my girl for a walk
6. Call mom at some point
7. Get a newspaper and start applying all over again
8. I've got nothing...

Okay. That's my to-do list. It's gonna get done it is. Meh. I probably should go take a shower and settle down for the evening. *smiles* Good night and whatnot. Talk to ya'll later.

~ jenny ~

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