Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm Blogging!

Wow...all it took for me to update this thing was to read Nonnie's lastest blog entry! So...I'm blogging!!!!

What's new in the life of Jenny? Well...Joe and I are engaged. HURRAY! I think most of you knew that though, right? We're supposed to get married on June 2nd, 2007; however, it may get pushed back to the fall. It's mostly financial reasons and stuff. But, we're getting married in Bakersfield, Cali. so prepare for a roadtrip! I need to get the ball rolling on the wedding plans...but I don't know where to start! Do I look at dresses first? Do I book a place first? Do I decide on the wedding party? Do I start deciding on who's invited? See?! I'm a mess!!!

I'm also in the market for a job. I arrived home last week and received the news that I'm no longer needed as the I'm back looking for a job. It couldn't have come at a worse time. I have bills that I need to get paid and I can't pay them because I don't have money because I don't have a job!! There's other things that I need to get done without having to worry about finding a job's just piling up and it has me scared a little. My phone got turned off so if you want to talk to me, call Joe's phone.

I am ready for this snow to go away!! It's not even pretty's black and nasty and ugly. No me gusta!!

I just realized how much punctuation I'm using...and I apologize. I don't know's just one of those nights, I guess.

So...Joe and I traveled to Vegas, Bakersfield, and Cedar City to visit his folks. And I'm happy to report that his family ROCKS! I even got to pull a sword out of his uncle's throat...good times, good times.

Alright, I posted a little. I promise that I'll do better. I know I keep saying that. But I'm online nearly everyday, I'll make some time for this place. Nothing too eventful ever really happens to me...but I'll come up with something. I've been meaning to get back into writing this will give me the perfect excuse, right?

I hope all of you are doing well. Drop me a line one of these'd be good to hear from some of you! Otherwise, take care of yourselves and be careful out there in the's been a very strange last couple of days....and I'm a worry-wort.

Love you all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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