Monday, November 06, 2006

Long Time No Words Written...

Wow. What a long two months it has been. Okay, so maybe not quite two months...but I know I probably should have updated. I've been incredibly busy, but still, no excuse. Last time I updated, it was Rich's birthday...

My birthday came and past. I turned 20...yeah, who would have thought? Usually my birthday has some sort of ZING to it, but this year's didn't. I don't know, I've learned not to get all caught up into the regular traditions I used to be used to anymore...there's just no point. All in all, it wasn't that bad of a was just like any other. Plus, I got jipped out of the song at Texas Road House...I was pretty torn up about that. LOL.

I also started working at PETSMART a couple of days after my birthday. It's definitely been a great time. I mean, I've got awesome co-workers and I really enjoy the animals. Plus, I've been learning a lot about fish and tanks and all that fun stuff!

And, I also started working a full-time Nanny position in Greeley that started sometime near my birthday as well. I watch two girls during the day and the twin boys get home around 4:00ish. The girls are 3 and 18 months...the boys are seven. That's not all, I get to watch an additional two kids about twice a week. There's a girl who's 3 and a boy who's 2. Yeah, it keeps me on my toes, but I do really enjoy it. Working with kids is really curing my jonesing for kids, ya know?

I have two cats now. I know you all were aware of Maximus the Great but back in September, I found a little black kitten by the back dumpster. I brought her in and we named her Artemis (MISSY) and she has gotten SO big in the last couple months. She definitely gives Max a run for his money. We've got to get them both fixed soon, because Lord knows, we don't need any unexpected surprises from them....

We also had to find a new home for Lily...I know, sad day. But she's with a great family who absolutely ADORE her. Maybe someday Joe and I can get another dog (or two)...but I'm jonesing for a dog SO bad. There's just something about the cuddles, the kisses, and the look that only a dog can give...I don't know. I miss Lily, and I definitely miss Bo. *sigh* But you can't have it all, right?

I'm fighting off a cold. Working with the kids has proven some, getting sick. I hate the miserable feeling...but luckily, I'm almost done with this crap (*knocks on wood*). My paycheck from Petsmart is going to be small come Friday...I called in two days in a row and left work early yesterday. I know, not the best of things to do, but dangit...I needed the rest.

I GOT A CAR! Yep, that's right. My first car ever (I mean, that's in my name). Well, Joe's name is also on the title and registration...but I'm making all the payments and everything. Joe gets to drive, if there's ever any bad weather and his car won't be able to drive it. Oh, and if he ever decides to take me out on a date... Anyhow, the new baby in my life is a 96 Pontiac Grand Prix. It's in GREAT condition and I fell in love with it the moment I test drove it.

I'll have to post some pictures of the new kitten, updates on Max, my car-car, Joe and Myself, and the wonderful kids that I work for. But I'll do that some other day when I don't have to wake up at 4:00 AM the next day. True, it's only for this week since one of my bosses is in Good Ole' Las Vegas...but it does kinda kill me. Not gonna lie. I'll man up a little...what else can I do? But geez...

Anyhow, I'll do better on the updates. I promise.

I hope all is well with everyone and I'll look forward to talking to you all at one point or another.

Love and Peace,
Jenny Lynn

p.s. Christmas will be here before we know it! *dances jig* My favorite time of the seasons. I can't wait for Thanksgiving either. YAY!