Saturday, August 26, 2006

one month...

until my big day.
Just thought I'd share that random fact with ya'll.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Aunt Jenny and Drax watching t.v. together...
Like we need directions on how to cross the street...GOSH!
Yes, Lily Ann actually sleeps like that.
Joe being a bum...
I absolutely LOVE this kid!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Day Without Sunshine Is...

...well, NIGHT.

Joe: You need a God in your life. Wait, you have me.

Me: Unfortunately then, that means you're Buddha!

Jenny - 1
Joe - 0

Just felt like sharing that zing time.

~ Jenny Lynn ~

p.s. Job situation...still up in the air.

Oh Boy...

...I'm in trouble! So...Saturday at work, a turtle was brought in my Shea (he's one of the Animal Control people). Shea told me that I could take it home and Erin was standing there and she totally agreed with Shea. She never said that I wasn't allowed to or, being new and all, had no idea that I probably couldn't. So...I got the okay from my man to bring home Mr. T. And he's been in the backyard for the past couple days. Well, yesterday at work...Yvonne (she's my manager) found out about the whole turtle thing and said that I had to bring in the turtle sometime during the next couple days. So, I planned on bringing him back today. Well, I saw Mr. T today in the yard a couple times...but I was planning on waiting until Joe got home from work to take him in. We went out to Alberto's after he got home and before we left, Mr T was in the yard still...we were at lunch and my phone was my work but I didn't answer because it's my day off and whatnot. Yvonne left a message saying that I needed to bring in the stupid turtle TODAY...well, the problem is....he disappeared AGAIN! I can't find him in the backyard! YIKES, right? So...Joe and I decided that if it comes down to it we'll just take him in tomorrow and act like I didn't have my phone on me at all today. Okay...I just got a call from Yvonne saying that my job is on the line...guys: I CAN GET FIRED OVER THIS!!!!!!! Can we say FREAK OUT?! I'm such a nervous wreck right now...what am I gonna do??????

I don't want to call her back because I can't tell her that we left the turtle outside...that's horrible...but WHAT am I going to do? I can't not have a job AGAIN! ARGH!

Sorry. Vented. But I still don't feel any better. I suck at life....

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Friday, August 04, 2006

Life should be considered an OXYMORON.

I'm trying to figure out:
- what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
- if I really want to go to college.
- how I'm going to get Bo out of the shelter.
- how I'm going to pay my cell phone bill.
- if I really want a blue blazer.
- how I'm going to go on Monday night with no white shoes.
- how I'm going to find the time to clean.
- why I stress out so much.
- why I'm such a horrible girlfriend.
- Lily.
- where I'm going to find a small dog that Joe doesn't think is ugly.
- why I'm such a complicated, high-matinence girl.
- life.

I don't know where to start. I'm frustrated with so much right now, and I have no idea why. I don't even know where to start with figuring out why. More or less, I just want to scream. You know, throw a temper-tantrum...

I can't even really talk about it because *I* don't even know what exactly is wrong. I just don't know where my life is going and I think that scares me a little. I just want to fast forward a couple of years.

****Symmie: I MISS YOU! You have no friggin' idea how much I want to hear your logic and all the fun stuff that you say. I should just move to Idaho....there's a thought. ****

I have to get ready for work. *groans* It's going to be busy today, I think. But, I get paid...and I might possibly be able to turn on my phone again! YAY!

Don't worry about me, I just had to bitch...sorry guys. I'm good. Seriously. Happy. :) see?

~ Jenny Lynn ~

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

To My Love

Happy 21st Birthday, my have no idea how happy I am that you were born. I hope you have a great day of relaxation...and a great night out with your boys. I love you so much...